Tuesday 14 August 2018

DW 04-13: Journey's End (Part 3)

A Guide to Classic Who references in new Who.

Doctor Who series 4 episode 13 (Story 41 Part 3) in which Donna becomes the Doctor.

Warning: May contain spoilers for

"Journey's End"

Viewing Order

"The Stolen Earth" (part 2) < The Doctor Timeline > "The Next Doctor"

"The Stolen Earth" (part 2) < Sarah Jane Timeline > "The Last Sonataran Part One"

"The Stolen Earth" (part 2) < Torchwood Timeline > "Children of Earth: Day One"


[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film.)  Episode List.

For context, the following are also covered:
[1ST] -  The first appearance of things in Doctor Who series.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared previously in the new series.
[SJA] - Things that first appeared previously in Sarah Jane Adventures.
[TW] - Things that first appeared previously in Torchwood.

From the previous episode...

  • [OLD] The Doctor - The central character of both series of Doctor Who.  This is the Tenth Doctor.  He's a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey.  Real name: unknownactual age: unclear.

  • [OLD] Regeneration - A Timelord technique for escaping death. (See: Background: Regeneration).  In new Who, the there have been 2 previous regenerations: The Doctor ("The Parting of the Ways" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 1)) and the Master ("Utopia(Doctor Who (2005) Series 3)).

  • [NEW]  Hand in the Jar - The Doctor's hand from "The Christmas Invasion(Doctor Who 2005 Christmas Special)Jack Harkness found it and returned it to him.

  • [NEW] Donna - The Doctor's companion this series, first appearing in  "The Runaway Bride" (Doctor Who (2005) 2006 Christmas Special), and joining the Doctor in "Partners in Crime"  (Doctor Who (2005) series 4).

  • [NEW]  Captain Jack Harkness - Former Time Agent from the 51st century, con-man and companion to the Tenth Doctor.  Head of Torchwood-3.  He was made immortal accidentally by the Bad Wolf entity (Rose Tyler) in "The Parting of the Ways" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 1).

  • [OLD]  Daleks - Classic Doctor Who villain (see Daleks).

  • [NEW]  Torchwood An organisation created by Queen Victoria after the events of "Tooth and Claw" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 2).  Torchwood-1 (London) was destroyed by the events of "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 2).  This is Torchwood-3 (Cardiff), who first appeared in "Everything Changes(Torchwood Series 1).

  • [TW]  Gwen Cooper & Ianto Jones -  Members of Torchwood Three.  Both first appeared in "Everything Changes" (Torchwood series 1). 

  • [TW]  Tosh -  Members of Torchwood Three.  She (retroactively) first appeared in "World War Three" (Doctor Who Series 1).  She didn't survive the events of "Exit Wounds" (Torchwood series 2)

  • [OLD]  The TARDIS - The Doctor's time and space travel vehicle.  TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space.  Like a lot of Time Lord technology, it is "bigger on the inside."  The Doctor stole his Tardis when fleeing Gallifrey.  It is an older model ("Type 40") and unreliable, often ending up in the wrong location and the chameleon circuit - designed to make the Tardis appear inconspicuous in any surroundings it appears has failed so it always appears as a police telephone box from 1960s England. 

  • [OLD]  Supreme Dalek - Leader of a group of Daleks, the entire Dalek race (in the absence of the Emperor) or a faction of the Daleks, depending on the status of the race.  The Supreme Dalek is usually a darker colour than the regular model and first appeared in "The Dalek Invasion of Earth" (Doctor Who (1963) season 2).

  • [NEW]  Martha Jones - The Doctor's companion in series 3 of the new Doctor Who, first appearing in "Smith & Jones" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 3).  She was revealed to have joined UNIT in "Reset" (Torchwood Series 2) in which she and Jack Harkness speculated that the Doctor may have recommended her. She last traveled with the Doctor in "The Doctor's Daughter(Doctor Who (2005) Series 4).

  • [NEW]  The Osterhagen Key First appeared last episode.

  • [NEW] Parallel universe - The parallel world that first appeared and  Mickey Smith went to live in in "Rise of the Cybermen"/"Age of Steel(Doctor Who (2005) Series 2). Residents of that timeline came to the main universe in "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 2) and Rose and her mother ended up in traveling to that universe.

  • [NEW] The Dalek Crucible - First appeared last episode.

  • [OLD] Davros - Creator of the Daleks, Davros (Foes: Davros) first appeared in "Genesis of the Daleks" (Doctor Who (1963) Season 12and then every Dalek based story after that in the classic series. First appeared in the new series last episode.

  • [NEW]  Children of Time - First use of this descriptor of the Doctor's companions was last episode.

  • [NEW]  Sub-Wave Network - First mention of this communication network was last episode.

  • [NEW]  Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister - You know who she is.

  • [NEW] Clom - First mentioned in "Love & Monsters" (Doctor Who (2005) series 2) as the home planet of the Absorbaloff and the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius. The Absorbaloff  says he spits of Raxacoricofallapatorius, members of the Family Slitheen curse by saying "for the love of Clom." ("Revenge of the Slitheen Part Two" (Sarah Jones Adventures series 1))

  • [NEW] Adipose Three - The breeding planet of the Adipose, which was noted in "Partners in Crime"  (Doctor Who (2005) series 4) had gone missing.

  • [NEW] Shallacatop - First mention of this planet was last episode,

  • [NEW] Pyrovillia - The home of the Pyrovile, who in "Fires of Pompeii" (Doctor Who (2005) series 4) it was noted that their home planet had gone missing.

  • [NEW] Lost Moon of  Poosh - Mentioned as missing in "Midnight" (all Doctor Who (2005) series 4).

  • [SJA] Luke Smith - Created by the Bane and rescued by Sarah Jane Smith, Maria Jackson and Kelsey Hooper in "Invasion of the Bane" (Sarah Jane Adventures (2007 New Year's Special)).

  • [NEW] Vortex Manipulators - A wrist-worn device used for time travel (and other functions) by Time Agents, including Jack Harkness.

    • [NEW]  Wilf - First appeared in "Voyage of the Damned" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2007) and was revealed to be Donna's grandfather in "Partners in Crime"  (Doctor Who (2005) series 4).

    This episode...

    • [NEW] Mickey Smith & Jackie Tyler - Rose's ex and her mother.  Both first appeared in "Rose" (Doctor Who (2005) series 1) and last appeared in "Doomsday" (Doctor Who (2005) series 2).

    • [1ST] Temporal Prison/Chronon Loop - The first appearance of this Dalek device.

    • [NEW] Dimension Jump/Dimension Cannon - Previously seen in "Doomsday" (Doctor Who (2005) series 2) although it seems to have been updated.

    • [OLD]  The Void - "The Void" or "The White Void" was a location connected "The Land of Fiction" outside of real space in the "The Mind Robber" (Doctor Who (1963) season 6) where the normal rules of time and space didn't apply.  The Gateway was an almost white location between N-Space (normal space) and E-Space (exo-space) in "The Warrior's Gate" (Doctor Who (1963) season 18). Torchwood-1's experiments in "Army of Ghosts" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 2) weakened the wall between reality and the Void, leading to the appearance of a Dalek Void Ship. Opening the Void in "Doomsday" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 2) caused anyone or thing that had travelled through it to be sucked into it.

    • [NEW] Extrapulator Shielding - The first mention of this was in "The Parting of the Ways" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 1) when the Doctor used it to defend against the Daleks.

    • [NEW] Tribophysical Waveform Macro-kinetic Extrapolator - The first mention of this was in "Boom Town" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 1) when Blon was going to use it to escape the Earth, destroying the planet in the process.

    • [NEW] Z-Neutrino Energy - The first mention of this energy.

    • [NEW] Part Timelord-Part Human - The Eighth Doctor made a similar claim about himself in Doctor Who (1996).

    • [NEW] Donna Flashbacks:

    • [NEW] Reality Bomb - The first mention of this device.

    • [NEW] Verron Soothsayer - Also the souce of Sarah's Puzzle Box in "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?" (Part 1 & Part 2) (Sarah Jane Adventures series 1)

    • [NEW] Warp Star - The first mention of this object.

    • [OLD]  Skaro - Dalek Homeworld, first seen in the second First Doctor story "The Daleks" (Doctor Who (1963) season 1), the Second Doctor story "The Evil of the Daleks" (Doctor Who (1963) Season 4) and (much earlier in its history) in the Fourth Doctor story "Genesis of the Daleks" (Doctor Who (1963) Season 12).  It was destroyed by the Seventh Doctor in "Remembrance of the Daleks" (Doctor Who (1963) Season 25) and he was returning from it in the Doctor Who (1996).

      • [1ST] An Internalised Synchronous Back-feed Reversal Loop - The first mention of this... well, this.

      • [1ST] Bio-electric Dampening Field with a Retrograde Field Arc Inversion The first mention of this as well.

      • [1ST] Macrotransmission of a K-filter Wavelength blocking  And first mention of  this.

      • [1ST] Self-replicating Energy Blindfold Matrix And this.

      • [NEW]  The Ood - First appeared in "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit(Doctor Who (2005) Series 2) as members of a slave race.  They later gained freedom in "Planet of the Ood(Doctor Who (2005) Series 4) in which they foretold of the coming of the Doctor Donna.

      • [OLD] Magnetron - Daleks used a Time Vortex Magnetron to draw users of a time transference module to their base, capturing Jo Grant in "Day of the Daleks" (Doctor Who (1963) season 9).  A Magnetron is also a Time Lord device used to move the Solar System in "The Myerstious Planet"  (Doctor Who (1963) season 23). as explained in "The Ultimate Foe"  (Doctor Who (1963) season 23).:
      GLITZ: Well, eventually the Time Lords did suss out the leak, so they wanted to wipe out all the Sleepers, and they used this er, magno. Magno... 
      DOCTOR: Magnotron? 
      GLITZ: That's it. 
      DOCTOR: Well, that can only be done by an order in High Council. 
      MASTER [on screen]: Of course, Doctor. To protect their own secrets, they drew the Earth and its constellation billions of miles across space 

              • [OLD] Dalekanium power feed - Dalekanium is a Dalek metal. And it seems to have a power feed.

              • [1ST] Spatial genetic multiplicity - A fancy way to say that Gwen Cooper looks like Gwenyth from "The Unquiet Dead"

              • [OLD] K9 - The Doctor's robot companion from  the classic series (see Allies: K9). Mark III appeared in "School Reunion" (Doctor Who (2005) series 2) in which he was replaced by Mark IV. He has also made cameo appearances (like this) in "Invasion of the Bane" (Sarah Jane Adventures special) and "The Lost Boy" (Part 2) (Sara Jane Adventures series 1).

              • [OLD] Sonic Screwdriver - A sonic device first used by the Second Doctor, and used in various forms ever since.

              • [NEW]  Bad Wolf Bay - A reference to Rose becoming Bad Wolf and the series 1 arc word. The bay previously in "Doomsday" (Doctor Who (2005) Series 2).

              • [1ST] Dimensional Retroclosure- What is sounds like, really.

              • [1ST] Felspoon  - First appearance of the planet.

              • [OLD] Chameleon Circuit - A part of the TARDIS which allows it to change to blend into the background.  The First Doctor comment on not working in "An Unearthly Child" (Doctor Who (1963) season 1). The Sixth Doctor temporarily ficed it in "Attack of the Cybermen" (Doctor Who (1963) season 22) but it still wouldn't blend in.

              • [OLD] Mind blank - A form of the Doctor's telepathy.

              "The Stolen Earth" (part 2) < The Doctor Timeline > "The Next Doctor"

              "The Stolen Earth" (part 2) < Sarah Jane Timeline > "The Last Sonataran Part One"

              "The Stolen Earth" (part 2) < Torchwood Timeline > "Children of Earth: Day One"

              ~ DUG.

              The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment.

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