Monday 10 October 2016

DW 04-06: The Doctor's Daughter

A Guide to Classic Who references (and other references) in New Who.

Doctor Who series 4 episode 6 (Story 37):  A genetically manipulated copy of the Doctor is made.

May contain spoilers for

"The Doctor's Daughter"


[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic Doctor Who series (or the film.)  Episode List.

For context, the following are also covered:
[1ST] -  The first appearance of things in Doctor Who series.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared previously in the new Doctor Who series.
[TW] - Things that first appeared previously in Torchwood.

Ongoing References:

  • [NEW]  Martha Jones - The Doctor's companion in series 3 of the new Doctor Who.

  • [NEW]  The Doctor's Hand - The Doctor lost his hand (it got better) in "The Christmas Invasion" (Doctor Who 2005 Christmas Special).

  • [OLD]  Two hearts - The fact that the Doctor had two hearts was first noted in the Third Doctor's first story "Spearhead in Space" (Season 7).  Previously it was implied that the First and Second Doctor only had one heart.  Since then it is usually implied that Time Lords always have two hearts (with early references being retroactively regarded as goofs) although some non-televised sources claim that Time Lords have only a single heart in their first body (or the number changes).  Other non-televised sources state that the First Doctor and his granddaughter Susan actually had two hearts.

  • [OLD]  Time Lord - One of the elite from Gallifrey.  They were wiped out during the Last Great Time War, leaving only the Doctor and the Master.

  • [NEW]  The Time War - A war between the Time Lords and the Daleks, which lead to the total extinction of both races.  Except, the Doctor and the Master ("Utopia" (Doctor Who Series 3)).  And a Dalek that ended up in Harry Van Statten's collection in 2012 ("Dalek" (Doctor Who Series 1)).  And a Dalek Emperor who recreated the race from human DNA during the Fourth Great & Bountiful Human Empire ("Bad Wolf(Doctor Who Series 1)). And the Cult of Skaro with a Genesis Ark full of Daleks who used a Void Ship (and first appeared in "Army of Ghosts(Doctor Who Series 2)).  During the Nestene lost their homeworld ("Rose") and the Gelth were reduced to a gaseous form ("The Unquiet Dead" (Doctor Who Series 1)).  The Time War occurred between the Doctor Who telemovie and the first episode of the new Who.

  • [OLD]  A father before - From the first Doctor Who story ("An Unearthly Child" (Season 1)) until "The Dalek's Invasion of Earth" (Season 2)) the First Doctor traveled with his granddaughter (She later appeared in "The Five Doctors.")

From this episode:

  • [1ST]  Hath - First appearance of this fishy-looking race.

  • [1ST]  The Source - First appearance of this terraforming device.

  • [OLD]  Genocide - Article 7 of Gallifreyan law states that genocide is unconditionally punishable by death.  In this episode the Doctor term the eradication of the Hath on this planet as being genocide (although, you'd have to assume that they existed elsewhere in the universe).  Given that definition of genocide, though, the Doctor has been responsible for it a few times:
    • "The Daleks" (Season 1) the First Doctor led a Thal attack to wipe out  the Daleks stuck on Skaro.  At the time it was assumed that were the only Daleks in the universe.
    • "City of Death" (Season 17) the Fourth Doctor stopped Scaroth, last of the Jagaroth, from using time travel to save his crew when the last known Jagaroth ship (the rest had been wiped out in a war with another race) exploded.
    • "State of Decay" (Season 18) the Fourth Doctor killed the King of the Vampires, the last of the Great Vampires, a race who had been wiped out in a war with the Time Lords.
    • "Terror of the Vervoids" (Season 23) when put on trial by the Time Lords, the Sixth Doctor was found to have wiped out the Vervoids. 
    • "Remembrance of the Daleks" (Season 25) causes Skaro's sun to go supernova, destroying the planet (and a large portion of the Daleks).

  • [1ST]  New Byzantine Calendar - First mention of this calendar.

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