Tuesday 19 August 2014

DW 01-13: The Parting of the Ways (part 2)

A Guide to Classic Who references in New Who episodes.

Series 1, episode 13 (Story 10):  The Doctor, Rose and Jack face the Daleks.

Warning: May contain Spoilers for

"The Parting of the Ways"

Viewing Order

  • 1-01  "Rose(Suggested viewing - introduction of characters.)
  • 1-09 & 1-10  "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" (Suggested viewing - introduction of character.)
  • 1-12  "Bad Wolf" - (Required viewing - this is continuation of that story.)


[1ST] - The first appearance of things in Doctor Who series.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared previously in the new series.
[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film.)  Episode List.

  • [NEW]  Extrapolator - Probably the Tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator from "Boom Town" but I'm extrapolating.
  • [NEW]  The Oncoming Storm - A title for the Doctor not previously used.

  • [OLD]  Dalek Homeworld -Skaro, first seen in the second First Doctor story "The Daleks," the Second Doctor story "The Evil of the Daleks" and (much earlier in its history) in the Fourth Doctor story "Genesis of the Daleks".

  • [NEW]  The Emperor Dalek - First appeared in "The Evil of the Daleks" and lead factions of Daleks in various Dalek civil wars.
  • [OLD]  Delta wave - In the Fifth Doctor story "Kinda" the Doctor used "Delta wave augmentors" to help companion Nyssa relax while the story (which was written before Nyssa was added as a companion) progressed.  In "Kinda" is obvious a reference to Delta Sleep or Slow-Wave Sleep, and whether this is a different type thing with the same name, or just a much higher energy usage isn't clear.  See the 10 Rules to Doctor Who.
  • [1ST]  Van Cassadyne energy - First mention of this energy type.
  • [OLD]  Part of events, stuck in the timeline - The Doctor states they can't go back and warn everyone before things happened a common question asked about many time travel stories, especially Doctor Who.  Although this rule usually holds (especially, the Fifth Doctor story "Time-Flight" in which the Doctor said the laws of time couldn't be broken to save companion Adric (killed in "Earthshock," the previous story).  On rare occasions this rule does not hold in Doctor Who, but "Father's Day" does show the results of changing time.

  • [OLD]  Holograms - Holographic projects have been used a number of times.  Fellow Time lord (Time Lady) The Rani used one in the Seventh Doctor story "Time & the Rani" to duplicate the companion Mel.

  • [OLD]  The Heart of the TARDIS - As discussed in "Boom Town."  In the Doctor Who film exposure to the Eye of Harmony (by opening something deeper in the TARDIS than the console room) at the "heart of this structure (the TARDIS)" was said to give prophetic powers and returned the Eighth Doctor's memories.  The Eye being left open too long endangered the Earth, causing a time-space distortion that the planet would be sucked through.  

  • [OLD]  Dalek cutting arm - While most Dalek tool arms are the "Dalek plunger" from earliest appearances alternate arms have been seen, including one for cutting through locked doors.
  • [OLD]  The Time Vortex - The swirly thing the TARDIS travels through to get from place to place.  Discussed in previous episodes articles.
  • [1ST]  Planet Barcelona - First mention of this planet.

  • [OLD]  Two heads.  Or no head - Although every Time Lord shown has looked human (although, presumably, all physiologically different to humans internally), when Romana was "trying on" different regenerations, she appear alien looking in one form.
  • [OLD]  Regeneration - As the Doctor states, regeneration is a way that Time Lords cheat death by changing form (or just do it for a change).
  • [IST]  The Tenth Doctor - First appearance of this body of the Doctor.

The 10 Rules to Doctor Who.

10.  TARDIS:  The Doctor explains why the TARDIS is used to go back and fix problems before they happen.  The Heart of the TARDIS is also important to the plot.  [1]
9.  Meeting Yourself:  The Doctor mentions the dangers of just crossing his own timeline, not even meeting himself.  He refuses to do it anyway.  [.5]
8.  Non-sequiturs:   Yes.  [1]
7.  Serious/Frivolous:  Shows aspects of both personality.  [1]
6.  Series Final:  This is a series final.  It includes Daleks.  [1]
5.  Companion:  Rose, contemporary British female.  Jack, future human.  (Future, Earth orbit & Contemporary Earth story).  [.5]
4.  Emotionless:  The Doctor suggests that a spark of fear still exists in the emotionless Daleks. [.5]
3.  Title Spoilers:  The Daleks aren't mentioned in the title, but a parting is. [1]
2.  The Threat:  The threat is known from the beginning, although the Dalek Emperor have to explain how they survived (or rather just say they did).  It is up to Rose to work out, become and explain what Bad Wolf is. [.5]
1.  Last of It's Kind:  The Emperor Dalek and his ship were the last of their kind and created a new hybrid race.  The Doctor threatens to wipe out most of the human race to destroy the Daleks.  Once again the Doctor is the most dangerous thing in the room - or is he?  [1]

Score:  8/10.

~ DUG.

The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment.

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