Saturday 22 June 2024

DW 14-07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday

 You've seen my life

 A guide to classic Who references in new Who.

"The Legend of Ruby Sunday" title card

Doctor Who Series 14, episode 7 in which the Doctor and Ruby seek the mysterious woman...

May contain spoilers for 
"The Legend of Ruby Sunday"

[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film).

The following are also covered:
[1ST] - Things that first appeared in this episode.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared in the new series.
[SJA] - Things that first appeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures

2024 AD
  • The year of broadcast of the episode and Ruby's current year.
    • Ruby and the Doctor visited Wales in 2024 AD in "73 Yards" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14). Ruby was stuck in a different alternative timeline that started that year, because of it.
    • It comes before 2049, in which the Twelth Doctor, Clara and Courtney visit a moon in the events of "Kill the Moon" (Doctor Who (2005) series 9).

  • [OLD] The Doctor's time and space travel vehicle.  It stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space.  Like a lot of the Doctor's race's technology, it is "bigger on the inside."  The Doctor stole her second-hand TARDIS when fleeing her Gallifrey. It is an older model ("Type 40") and unreliable, often ending up in the wrong location, and being unable to blend into its environment (a feature TARDISes should have). Other Time Lords had their own TARDISes.
    • [1ST] This is the first time it's been an anagram of S. TRIAD. Well, it's always been an anagram of S. TRIAD, but this is the first time it's come up.
    • [1ST] They've never been associated with clouds of deadly god-creatures before.


  • [NEW] Not UNIT's first HQ, but this one first appeared in "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3).

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart
  • [OTH] The current head of UNIT (see below). First appeared in the non-BBC Doctor Who spin-off Downtime (pictured) and was introduced to the official series in "The Power of Three" (Doctor Who (2005) series 7). Her father was The Brigadier, a long time member of the organisation.
    • [NEW] Recruiting - In "The Power of the Doctor" (Doctor Who (2005) BBC Centenary Special) she had former companions Tegan and Ace working for her and at the end of the episode offered jobs to others, including, Melanie Bush (who appeared as a member in "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3) (an episode where she also recruited Donna Noble)).

Rose Noble
  • [NEW] Donna's daughter who first appearanced in the previous episode ("The Star BeastDoctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #1). The name comes from Rose Tyler, the companion of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, who Donna met.

  • [NEW] A robot member of UNIT, who first appeared in "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3).

The Doctor
  • [OLD]  The main character of Doctor Who, classic series and new. Due to his ability to regenerate this is the "Fifteenth Doctor," although he has recently learnt there were more before the First Doctor. The Fifteenth Doctor first appeared in "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3).
    • He is the last of the Time Lords, or as some may phrase it: The Lord of Time.

Ruby Sunday
    • [NEW] The Doctor's new companion, who first appeared in the previous episode, "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023).
      • [NEW] In her first episode it was revealed that she had been abandoned on a church doorstep as a baby.
      • [NEW] Thinking about her birth has caused it to snow like that night on numerous occations, starting with "The Space Babies" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).

    Uncle (The Fourteenth Doctor)
    • [NEW] The Fourteenth Doctor, who currently spends his time with Rose and her family.

    Kate's Father (Brigadeer Letherbridge-Stewart)
    • [OLD]  Became a Brigardier and lead the UK branch of UNIT forces who regularly worked with the Doctor.

    Sonic Screwdriver
    • [OLD] The Doctor's favourite tool: the sonic screwdriver. First shown to be used by the Second Doctor in "Fury of the Deep" (Doctor Who (1963) season 5), it has been used almost constantly since. While it has been destroyed a couple of times and replaced it has been implied to be the same device rebuilt ("Day of the Doctor" (Doctor Who (2015) 50th Anniversary Special). Although Doctor has suggested he initially built it ("The Doctor Dances (Doctor Who (2015) series 1) & "A Christmas Carol"  (Doctor Who (2015) Christmas Special 2010). It's been said to be self-repairing "A Christmas Carol"  (Doctor Who (2015) Christmas Special 2010) and on at least one occasion the repaired it for him ("The Eleventh Hour"  (Doctor Who (2015) series 5)). It has a variety of powers."
      • This may be the first time been used as a remote & presentation device for UNIT screens.

    Mystery Woman

    • [NEW] A reappearing face in Doctor Who.
      • Beyond the versions mentioned by The Doctor here, she has appeared as:
        • Mrs Merridew, a servant of Isaac Newton (who the Doctor and Donna didn't meet.) ("The Wild Blue Yonder" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #2)
        • An unnamed member of the audience for Ruby's band with an interest in 16th Century Christmas carols. ("The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023))
        • A dinner-lady in 1963 London. ("The Devil's Chord" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14))
        • A hiker in 2024 Wales. ("73 Yards" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14))

    Pacifico de Rio
    • [NEW] The planet the space station of the space babies ("The Space Babies" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).
      • Gina Scalzi, a former comms officer of the station shared Susan Triad's face. Ruby and the Doctor saw a video recording of her.

    • [NEW] The city in "Dot & Bubble" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).
      • Penny Pepper-Bean shown in a video message in the episode. The episode's main character, Lindy Pepper-Bean (see below), was the "someone" she was the mum of.

    An Ambulance
    • [NEW] The interface for a Villengard military medical droid for the war on Kastorion 3 in "Boom" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).

    • [NEW] A painting of the Duchess's mother inlaw in "Rogue" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14)

    A Slooma from the Planet Sloog
    • [1ST] First mention of this type of being and this planet.

    Griffin from Planet Varsitay
    • [1ST] First appearance of this type of being and this planet.

    Bleet from the Fivefold Configuration
    • [1ST] The first mention of this being and this configuration.

    Susan Triad
    • [1ST] The first appearance of this character as Susan Triad.
      • She notes her mother was a dinner lady. The Doctor and Ruby met a dinner lady with her face in "The Devil's Chord" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).

    S Triad Technology
    • [1ST] The first appearance of this organisation.
      • It is an anagram of TARDIS Technology.

    • [OLD]  Susan Foreman - The original companion of the First Doctor and his granddaughter.  First appeared as an unEarthly child in the first episode of Doctor Who (1963) Season 1 ("An Unearthly Child") and left in Doctor Who (1963) Season 2 ("The Dalek Invasion of Earth") and appeared later as an adult in the 20th Anniversary Special ("The Five Doctors").
      • [OLD] Susan claimed to have named the TARDIS.
      • [1ST] This is first reference to her possibly being a "Granddaugher before a daughter." It may mean he is not yet the father of Susan's parent in his timeline or it may just mean he doesn't become a parent until after 2024. The Doctor has mentioned having children before. 

    • [OLD] A Timelord technique for escaping death. (See: Background: Regeneration). In new Who along with the Doctor, the Master and multiple other Timelords, the human River Song also regenerated.
      • The Doctor has almost exclusively used it to save himself from dying.

    Melanie "Mel" Bush
    • [OLD] A companion of the Sixth & Seventh Doctors. She last appeared in "Power of the Doctor" (Doctor Who (2005) 2022 BBC Centenary Special). 

    The Brig and Susan
    • [OLD] The Brig and Susan were briefly together in the group of companions in "The Five Doctors," however, they may not have spoken to each other.

    Carla Sunday
    • [NEW] Ruby's adopted mother.  She first appeared in "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023).

    Incursion filed under "Goblins"

    Ruby's Mother
    • [NEW] Presumably Ruby's biological mother, who first appeared in "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023) and in memories since.

        Rose's mother (Donna Noble)
    • [NEW] Companion of the Tenth and Fourteenth Doctor.
      • [NEW] One of the Tenth Doctor's companions first appearing in  "The Runaway Bride" (Doctor Who (2005) 2006 Christmas Special), and joining the Doctor in "Partners in Crime"  (Doctor Who (2005) series 4).  Donna saved the universe (at a terrible cost) in "Journey's End(Doctor Who (2005) series 4). when she accidentally took in the mind of the Doctor, becoming "the DoctorDonna" allowing her to defeat the Daleks. However, since a human mind can't contain that much information she was doomed to die he had to remove her memories of him.
      • [NEW] The Fourteenth Doctor's companion. She joined him in "The Star Beast" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #1) where her and Rose were able to fix her. She was offered a job with UNIT in "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3).

    Mrs Flood
    • [NEW] Ruby's neighbour who first appeared in "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023) and seems to be aware of the existence of TARDISes.
      • [1ST] She's always hiding herself away.
      • [1ST] She seems to be aware of the coming doom

    Cherry Sunday
    • [NEW] Ruby's grandmother, via Ruby's adoption by Carla Sunday (above). "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023).

    Time Window
    • [IST] The first appearance of this time experiment by UNIT.
      • Other times of Time devices have been called Time Windows but they aren't necessarily the same type of device.

    • [OLD] The Third Doctor worked with UNIT during episodes set in the 1970s, although they may have been set in the 1980s. 

    Fixed Point in Time
    • [NEW] A time or event which cannot be changed. Unless it can.

    Changing Memory
    • [NEW] The Doctor witnessed the events of that night in  "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023), however, the memory changed in  "The Space Babies" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).

    Executive Deletion Team
    • [1ST] First mention of this group.

    Psych Ops
    • [1ST] First mention of this group.

    Option 10 & 11 Schematics
    • [1ST] First mention of these arrangements.

    Psychic Paper
    • [NEW] An item usually used by the Doctor to create false identification for the Doctor.  It first appeared in "The End of the World" (Doctor Who (2005) series 1).

    Lindy (Lindy Pepper-Bean)
    • [NEW] The main character in "Dot & Bubble" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).

    The Servant of Sutekh
    • [OLD] A being in "The Pyramid of Mars" (Doctor Who (1963) season 13), who, obviously, served Sutekh, and killed people for him, saying, "I bring Sutekh's gift of death to all humanity"

    The Howling Void
    • [NEW] A place between parallel universes, sometimes used to trap beings. It's often called just "The Void" or "The Howling Hell."
      • Sutekh was trapped the Time Vortex.

    H. Arbinger
    • [NEW] The Maetro's son and harbinger used the name Henry Arbinger in "The Devil's Chord" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14). It seems a similar ruse is used by harbingers of other members of the Pantheon.

    Worlds with Orange Skies
    • [OLD] Planets like Gallifrey have orange skies.

    The (Celetial) Toymaker
    The God of Games
    • [OLD] Immortals posing as a god, which the Doctor fought in "The Celestal Toymaker" (Doctor Who (1963) season 3and "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3).
      • As noted in the episode, he was bound in salt in (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3).
      • During his defeat he said "My legions are coming."

    The Trickster
    The God of Traps
    • [SJA] A being who frequently appeared on The Sarah Jane Adventures. It first appeared in "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?" (The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007) series 1).
      • It was said to be a member of the Pantheon of Discord.

    The God of Music
    • [NEW] The antagonist of "The Devil's Chord" (Doctor Who (2005) series 14).
      • The Doctor suggests Maestro is a member of The Pantheon and the Toymaster's Legion.
      • Maestro is revealed to be a child of The Toymaker.

    The God of Spite
    • [1ST] First mention of this god.

    The Mara
    The God of Beasts
    • [OLD] Appeared in "Kinda" (Doctor Who (1963) season 19) and "Snakedance" (Doctor Who (1963) season 20).

    The Threefold Deity of Malice and Mischief and Misery
    • [1ST] First mention of these gods, however, three gods (called "The Gods of Ragnarok") appeared in "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy" (Doctor Who (1963) season 25)

    Gods of Skin and Shame and Secrets
    • [1ST] First mention of these gods.

    The God of Disaster
    • [1ST] First mention of this god.

    Doubt & Dread
    • [1ST] First mention of these godlings.

    The Mother and Father of Them All
    The God of All Gods
    The God of Death
    The King Himself
    • [OLD] A god who appeared in "The Pyramid of Mars" (Doctor Who (1963) season 13).
      • Sarah Jane mentioned Set as another name for Sutekh in  "The Pyramid of Mars" (Doctor Who (1963) season 13).
      • There have been references of the one or he who awaits.
    ~ DUG.

    The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment. 

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