Saturday 11 May 2024

DW 14-01 Space Babies

A guide to classic Who references in new Who.

Doctor Who Series 14, episode 1 in which the Doctor and Ruby meet the some space babies...

May contain spoilers for 
"Space Babies"

[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film).

The following are also covered:
[1ST] - Things that first appeared in this episode.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared in the new series.
[OTH] - Things that first appeared in outside the series itself.
[REAL] - Things that first appeared in reality

Previously on Doctor Who...

  • [NEW] This episode begins by replying footage from near the end of the previous episode, "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023) and continues on from that.

Ruby Sunday
    • [NEW] The Doctor's new companion, who first appeared in the previous episode, "The Church on Ruby Road" (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2023).
      • [NEW] Baby - Ruby's first episode involved a baby being kidnapped by goblins. And Ruby being kidnapped by goblins as a baby.
      • [NEW] Parents - Ruby was abandoned on her mother as a baby at the Church on Ruby Road

    The TARDIS
    • [OLD] The Doctor's time and space travel vehicle.  It stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space.  Like a lot of the Doctor's race's technology, it is "bigger on the inside."  The Doctor stole her second-hand TARDIS when fleeing her Gallifrey. It is an older model ("Type 40") and unreliable, often ending up in the wrong location, and being unable to blend into its environment (a feature TARDISes should have). Other Time Lords have their own TARDISes.
      • [OLD] The name TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space) was either created by the Doctor's granddaughter Susan or is the official name for the vehicle.
      • [OLD] New controls - the TARDIS often changes it's interior, most recently in "The Star Beast" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #1)
      • [1ST] Butterfly Compensator - First mention of this device.
      • [OLD] Chameleon Circuit - A device that allows a TARDIS to blend into its surroundings. The one of the Doctor's TARDIS has rarely worked. It appeared this way in the first episode of the classic series ("An Unearthly Child" Doctor Who (1963) series 1), the episode was set in 1963.
      • [1ST] Perception Filter (Translation Circuit) - The Doctor has stated that it was a gift of the Timelords to allow companions to understand other languages. It's been described as a telepathic ability of the TARDIS.

    The Doctor
    • [OLD]  The main character of Doctor Who, classic series and new. Born on Gallifrey, he is a Time Lord. Due to Time Lords' ability to regenerate this is the "Fifteenth Doctor," although he has recently learnt there were more before the First Doctor. The Fifteenth Doctor first appeared in "The Giggle" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #3)
      • [OLD] Name - His name has long been a secret, including in the classic series.
      • [OLD] Age - In the classis series his age (since The First Doctor) was described as nearly 1,000 years. In the new series, he's added quite a bit to that.
      • [OLD] Two Hearts - Like other Gallifreyans he has two-hearts.


    • [OLD] The Home Planet of the Time Lords. Appeared in the original series; first appearing in Second Doctor story "The War Games" (Doctor Who (1963) season 6) and its name first said by the Third Doctor in "The Time Warrior" (Doctor Who (1963)  season 11).  It last appeared in the old series in The Five Doctors special and was mentioned as the Seventh Doctor's destination in the beginning of the Doctor Who (1996) movie. It was destroyed in the Time War (between the movie and the new series), but was restored in "Day of the Doctor" (Doctor Who (2005) 50 Anniversary Special).

    Time Lords
    • [OLD]  The time traveling ruling elite of Gallifrey who have the ability to regenerate.
      • [NEW] Last of the Time Lords - It was revealed in "The Timeless Children" (Doctor Who (2005) series 12) that they had all been cyber-converted, except The Master (who died in "The Power of the Doctor" (Doctor Who (2005) BBC Centenary Special) and the Doctor.
      • [OLD] Two Hearts - They have two hearts.
      • [OLD] Titles - They do use titles a lot instead of names, such as The Doctor, The Master, The Rani, The General, The Corsair. Others use proper names, such as Susan, Rassilon and Romana.

    • [1ST] The first appearance of this year which occurs between the 171st century where the Eleventh Doctor and Amy visited the Delerium Archive ("Time of the Angels" (Doctor Who (2005) series 5) and the events on Zeta Minor in 37166AD experienced by the Fifth Doctor and Sarah Jane ("Planet of Evil" (Doctor Who (1963) season 13)

    • [NEW] The new name for "gravity" after the Doctor and Donna inadvertently changed time in "The Wild Blue Yonder" (Doctor Who (2005) 60th Anniversary Special #2).

    Star Trek
    • [OTH] The Eleventh Doctor met the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew and Fifth Doctor met the original series Star Trek crew in the comic book "Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation²". Like Ruby did here, there have been references to Star Trek as a fictional work within the Doctor Who universe.

    The Bogeyman
    • [1ST] The first appearance of this monster.

    The Space Babies
    • [1ST] The first appearance of these babies.

    Pacifico de Rio
    • [1ST] The first appearance of this planet.

    Sonic Screwdriver
    • [OLD] The Doctor's favourite tool: the sonic screwdriver. First shown to be used by the Second Doctor in "Fury of the Deep" (Doctor Who (1963) season 5), it has been used almost constantly since. While it has been destroyed a couple of times and replaced it has been implied to be the same device rebuilt ("Day of the Doctor" (Doctor Who (2005) 50th Anniversary Special). Although Doctor has suggested he initially built it ("The Doctor Dances (Doctor Who (2005) series 1) & "A Christmas Carol"  (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2010). It's been said to be self-repairing "A Christmas Carol"  (Doctor Who (2005) Christmas Special 2010) and on at least one occasion the repaired it for him ("The Eleventh Hour"  (Doctor Who (2005) series 5)). The previous Doctor built her version in "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" (Doctor Who (2005) series 11). This appears to be the Tenth Doctor's sonic returned. It has a variety of powers. This is the first time it's created a shield. One of its weaknesses is "deadlock seals."
      • [NEW] Upgrade Mobile Phones - In "42" (Doctor Who (2005) series 3) the doctor upgraded Martha Jones' phone to give her universal roaming.
      • [1ST] Sync/Recalibrate a Space Station - The first time it's been used this way.

    Carla & Cherry Sunday
    • [NEW] Ruby's adopted mother and grandmother.

    Nan-E (Nanomatrix Electroform)
    • [1ST] The first appearance of one of these devices.

    The End of Time
    • The Doctor has visited the end of time a few times, including "Listen" (Doctor Who (2005) series 8) and "Hell Bent" Doctor Who (2005) series 9.

    Gina Scalzi
    • [1ST] Presumably the first appearance of this character.

    Mondon Caroon
    • [1ST] The first mention of this planet.
    DuBarryDuPlessy Planet
    • [1ST] The first mention of this organisation.

    • [OLD]  TARDIS Key - Obviously, the key to the TARDIS.  It has appeared in a number of forms and in some cases could only be used by the Doctor.

    - DUG.

    The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment. 

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