Monday 3 February 2020

DW 12-06: Praxeus

A guide to classic Who references in new Who.

Doctor Who Series 12, episode 6 in which the Doctor meets does stuff.

May contain spoilers for 


[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film).

The following are also covered:
[NEW] - Things that first appeared in the new series.
[1ST] - Things appearing for the first time in the episode.

Previously on Doctor Who...

The Doctor
  • [OLD] The main character of Doctor Who, classic series and new. Born on Gallifrey,  she is a Time Lord. Due to Time Lords' ability to regenerate this is the "Thirteen Doctor."

Sonic Screwdriver
  • [OLD] The Doctor's favourite tool: the sonic screwdriver. First shown to be used by the Second Doctor in "Fury of the Deep" (Doctor Who (1963) season 5), it has been used almost constantly since. She built her current version in "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" (Doctor Who (2015) series 11). It can usually read everything.

  • [OLD] The Doctor's time and space travel vehicle.  It stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space.  Like a lot of the Doctor's race's technology, it is "bigger on the inside."  The Doctor stole her second-hand TARDIS when fleeing her homeworld. It is an older model ("Type 40") and unreliable, often ending up in the wrong location, and being unable to blend into its environment (a feature TARDISes should have). 

This episode...

  • [1ST] First references to the Doctor having multiple brains, however, in "The Invisible Enemy" (), The Fourth Doctor stated:
Somebody once tried to build a machine as efficient as the brain. Only trouble was, it would have had to have been bigger than London. Do you remember London? And powered by the entire European grid. And that was just a human brain. Mine's much more complex. Left and right sides working in unison via the specialised neural ganglia, thus combining data storage and retrieval with logical interest and the intuitive leap.

  • [1ST] The first appearance of this alien bacteria. 

Comm dot


~ DUG.

The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment.

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