Monday 29 November 2021

DW 13-05 Flux ch 5 Survivors of the Flux

A guide to classic Who references in new Who.

Doctor Who Series 13, episode 5 in which the Doctor .

May contain spoilers for 
"Survivors of the Flux"


[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film).

The following are also covered:
[NEW] - Things that first appeared in the new series.
[1ST] - Things which appear for the first time in this episode.

Previously on Doctor Who...

Weeping Angel
  • [NEW] Recurring race in the new series. First appeared in "Blink(Doctor Who (2005) series 3). The Doctor "became" one at the end of last episode.

The Doctor
  • [OLD] The main character of Doctor Who, classic series and new. Born on Gallifrey,  she is a Time Lord. Due to Time Lords' ability to regenerate this is the "Thirteen Doctor," although she's recently discovered she has a secret past.

  • [NEW] A secret organisation among the Time Lords which erased the Doctor's memory and gave her a new set of regenerations. They were first seen in "The Timeless Children" (Doctor Who (2005) series 12)

The Ood
    • [NEW] Recurring race in the new series. Often bad guys due to the interference of outside forces. They first appeared in "The Impossible Planet" (Doctor Who (2005) series 2).

    • [NEW] As noted here, the Gallifreyan who discovered the Timeless Child (later the Doctor). She was first seen in first seen in "The Timeless Children" (Doctor Who (2005) series 12) where these events were flashed back to.

    The Grand Serpent

    • [OLD] First appeared in the classic series, and has regularly appeared in the new series, as well as appearing in Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures.

    The Planet Time

      Lupari Shield
      • [NEW] The Lupari, a species is pair-bounded to humans that first appeared in  Doctor Who: Flux Chapter 1 ("The Halloween Apocalypse" (Doctor Who (2005) series 13). Because they were coming to Earth to save humans from the Flux, they developed spacecraft that were resistant to it.

      • [NEW] The Lupari, a species is pair-bounded to humans that first appeared in  Doctor Who: Flux Chapter 1 ("The Halloween Apocalypse" (Doctor Who (2005) series 13).
      • [NEW] Karvanists, a Lupari and a former member of Division was pair-bonded to Dan, he first appeared in  Doctor Who: Flux Chapter 1 ("The Halloween Apocalypse" (Doctor Who (2005) series 13).

      The Ravengers (Swarm & Azure)
      • [NEW] The Ravengers are a brother (Swarm) and sister (Azure) aliens who know the Doctor, but are unknown to the Doctor and first appeared in  Doctor Who: Flux Chapter 1 ("The Halloween Apocalypse" (Doctor Who (2005) series 13).

      The Flux
      • [NEW] A universe destroying cloud that first appeared in  Doctor Who: Flux Chapter 1 ("The Halloween Apocalypse" (Doctor Who (2005) series 13.

      The TARDIS
      • [OLD] The Doctor's time and space travel vehicle.  It stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space.  Like a lot of the Doctor's race's technology, it is "bigger on the inside."  The Doctor stole her second-hand TARDIS when fleeing her homeworld. It is an older model ("Type 40") and unreliable, often ending up in the wrong location, and being unable to blend into its environment (a feature TARDISes should have).

      Corporal Letherbridge-Stewart
      • [OLD]  Became a Brigardier and lead the UK branch of UNIT forces who regularly worked with the Doctor.

      The Post Office Tower
      • The Post Office Tower - was the location of WOTAN which tried to take over the world's computers in 1966 in "The War Machines" (Doctor Who (1963) season 3).

      The Village

      • [OLD]  An enemy snd childhood friend of the Doctor, first introducted in the classic series. Like The Doctor and other Time Lords the Master can regenerate. He was last seen when the Kasaavin took him back to their dimension "Spyfall, part 2" (Doctor Who (2005) series 12).

      The Timeless Child

      Passenger form

      Temple of Atropos

        Reverse the Polarity
        • [OLD] An express used by the Third Doctor, and subsequently.

        Fog Watch
        • [NEW] A biodata module, which appeared as part of Chameleon Arch in "The Family of Blood" (Doctor Who (2005) series 3), and later episodes.

        Kate Stewart
        • [NEW] The last known head of UNIT. First appeared in the non-BBC Doctor Who spin-off Downtime, and was introduced to the official series in "The Power of Three" (Doctor Who (2005) season 7).

        • [NEW]  Osgood - A UNIT scientist who first appeared in Doctor Who (2005) episode "The Day of the Doctor" in which she gained a Zygon double, "Death in Heaven" in which either she or her double was killed, and "The Zygon Invasion"/"The Zygon Inversion." 

        - DUG,

        The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please com

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