Thursday 3 March 2016

TW 2-05: Adam

A Guide to Classic Who references (and other references) including in Torchwood episodes.

Torchwood series 2 episode 5 (Story 18):  Gwen encounters a strange man in her house.  Can Jack, Adam and the rest of Torchwood-3 help?

Warning: May contain Spoilers for



[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic Doctor Who series (or the film.)  Episode List.
[No direct references again to classic Who, sorry.]

For context, the following are also covered:
[1ST] -  The first appearance of things in Doctor Who series, including Torchwood.
[TW] - Things that first appeared previosuly in Torchwood.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared previously in the new Doctor Who series.

Ongoing References:

  • [NEW]  Torchwood - An organisation created by Queen Victoria after the events of "Tooth and Claw" (Doctor Who series 2)..  Torchwood-1 (London) was destroyed by the events of "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" (Doctor Who series 2).  This is Torchwood-3 (Cardiff), who first appeared in "Everything Changes(the first episode of Torchwood.)


  • [NEW]  Captain Jack Harkness - Former Time Agent from the 51st century, con-man and companion to the Tenth Doctor.  Head of Torchwood-3.  He was made immortal accidentally by the Bad Wolf entity (Rose Tyler) in the Doctor Who episode "The Parting of the Ways."

  • [TW]  Weevils - An alien race that has slipped through the rift and infest Cardiff.

  • [TW]  Amnesia Pill -  A drug that Torchwood Three uses to remove memories of events.   It was used on Gwen in "Everything Changes."  The pill is made of Compound B67 "Retcon," which was found in the blood of victims in "They Keep Killing Suzie."

From this episode:

  • [TW]  Gray - First mentioned (and hand first seen) in Torchwood (Series 2) "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang."

  • [NEW]  The Boeshane Peninsula - First mentioned by Jack in Doctor Who (Series 3) "Last of the Time Lords."

  • [TW]  Lisa - Ianto's girlfriend, Lisa Hallet, from their time at Torchwood-1.  While neither character appeared in the episode, Lisa was partially converted into a Cyberman during the events of Doctor Who (Series 2) "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday."  She appeared in the Torchwood (Series 1) episode  "Cyberwoman."

~ DUG.

The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment.

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