Monday 19 October 2015


A Guide to Classic Who references in new Who.

Where have we seen that face before?
As you know, the Doctor regenerates and has had many faces.

The First Doctor

The Season 3 serial "The Massacre of St Bartholew's Eve" featured the Abbot of Amboise, a look-alike of the First Doctor (and also played by William Hartnell).  The characters didn't meet, but there was confusion by other characters over who was who.  The Abbot died during the story.

The Second Doctor

Ramón Salamander, another Doctor lookalike (this time the incumbent Second Doctor) appears in the Season 5 serial "The Enemy of the World."  Despite appearing to be a benefactor of humanity, Salamander was actually cruel and power hungry leading to him coming up against the Doctor.  The two characters met and also impersonated each other before Salamander is blown out of the TARDIS into the Time Vortex.

At the end of the Season 6 serial "The War Games" the Doctor is forced to regenerate by the Time Lords.  They give him a choice of four faces before he begins to change, but he rejects all of them.

The Fourth Doctor

During the Fourth Doctor's his Time Lady companion, Romana regenerated (Season 17's Destiny of the Daleks) from her old form (who had appeared with her own double Princess Strella in Season 16's "Androids of Tara.) a new form resembling Princess Astra (who had appeared in Season 16's "The Armageddon Factor".)  At first the Doctor claims "But you can't go round wearing copies of bodies" but eventually accepts her new appearance.

The Fifth Doctor

The Fifth Doctor met Commander Maxil, a member of the Galifreyan Chancellory Guard in Season 20 serial "Arc of Infinity" who looked exactly like the form he would later take when he became the...

The Sixh Doctor

~ DUG.

Now kiss.

The Time Crash blog was created to help New Who fans understand Classic Who references - and to know if something isn't a reference but a new idea.  If there's a reference I missed or a subject that you feel needs more explaining, please comment.

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