Thursday 10 September 2015

TW 1-12: Captain Jack Harkness

A Guide to Classic Who references (and other references) including in Torchwood episodes.

Torchwood series 1 episode 12 (Story 12):  Jack & Tosh accidentally travel back to World War II.

Warning: May contain Spoilers for

"Captain Jack Harkness"

Viewing Order

[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series of Doctor Who (or the film.)  Episode List.

For context, the following are also covered:
[NEW] - Things that first appeared previously in the new series of Doctor Who.
[TW] - Things from previous Torchwood episodes.
[1ST] - First appearance in this episode.

Ongoing References...

  • [NEW] Captain Jack Harkness - Was a Time Agent in the 52nd Century, but went rogue and  disguised as an American airman tried scamming the Time Agency in 1941 accidentally meeting and joining the Doctor.  He first appeared in the new series episodes "The Empty Child" and last appeared in that series in "The Parting of the Ways."  He first appeared as a member of Torchwood Three  in "Everything Changes."
  • [NEW] Torchwood - This "Secret" organisation was created by Queen Victoria in 1879 and named for the Torchwood Estate (Doctor Who "Tooth & Claw") to fight aliens after she met the Doctor and Rose.  The British PM (who wasn't supposed to know about Torchwood) order them to fire upon the Sycorax spaceship.  Torchwood One (London) were responsible for the "Ghost Shift" (Doctor Who "Army of Ghosts") which led to the Battle of Canary Wharf.  In the future, it was well known enough to be a question in "The Weakest Link" (Doctor Who "Bad Wolf").  This group, Torchwood Three first appeared in "Everything Changes."
  • [NEW] The Cardiff Rift - A spacial temporal rift, first mentioned in the new Who episode "The Unquiet Dead."  It was later featured in the new Who episode "Boomtown."  It is the reason for many of the strange events in Cardiff.
  • [TW]  Jack's immortality - When Jack last appeared in Doctor Who ("Parting of the Ways") he was killed by Daleks and resurrected by Rose/Bad Wolf and left in the future.  He was revealed to be immortal in "Everything Changes."

This episode...

  • [NEW]  Vote Saxon - A reappearing reference in series 3 of Doctor Who, although the first appearance was in "Love & Monsters.

  • [OLD]  Cybermen - Long term enemy of the Doctor, the Cybermen  [See Foes: Cybermen].  The events being discussed are from the Torchwood episode "Cyberwoman."

~ DUG.

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